Duration 2h 6m Project Files Included MP4
Fusion 360 – Casted Metal Design
There are so many important considerations to make when designing parts that will be casted and ultimately machined. This course, Fusion 360 – Casted Metal Design, covers fundamental Fusion 360 tools and processes that are required to efficiently design casted metal parts, as well as best practices for communicating with foundries and machine shops. First, you will design a motorcycle triple-clamp and perform a stress simulation. Next, you’ll create versions for both the investment casting and CNC finish machining process. Finally, you’ll wrap up the course using Fusion 360’s CAM functionality to create 2D & 3D tool paths to create the precision surfaces for your triple-clamp. Upon completion of this course, you will have the confidence to have your metal parts casted. Software required: Autodesk’s Fusion 360.
发布日期: 2017-02-02