Learn How to Program with C++
WMV | WMV3 160kbps | English | 1024x768 | 15fps | 6h 57mins | WMA2 stereo 128kbps | 719 MB
Genre: Video Training
C++ has a reputation for being a very difficult language to learn, and to use well. Changes to the language and the library that accompanies it have changed that. Beginners can now learn C++ and write real applications. In this course you'll learn the important parts of C++ 11 syntax, get an introduction to the most useful parts of the Standard Library, and be challenged to write applications yourself in addition to watching someone else write and explain code.
Table of contents:
Getting Started43m 34s
Streams, Locals, and Flow of Control1h 5m
Functions and Headers56m 38s
Strings and Collections59m 20s
Writing Classes59m 35s
Compiler Specific Topics26m 54s
Topics to Learn Later54m 20s
Legacy Constructs52m 0s
发布日期: 2017-02-19