Maplesoft宣布了其旗舰产品Maple 2017发布!Maple是一个通用型的商用计算机代数系统。
Maple起源于1988年,由加拿大安大略滑铁卢的一家公司,Waterloo Maple Inc.(亦称Maplesoft枫软)进行开发和商业销售。
最新版是Maple 2015。
同时亦有其他语言的接口(C、FORTRAN、Java、Matlab和Visual Basic)。
Maplesoft Maple 2017.0 MacOsx | 1.2 GbMaplesoft announced a major new release of its flagship product, Maple, the mathematical software that makes it extremely easy to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve math problems.
The result of over 30 years of development, Maple already has comprehensive mathematical coverage and extensive usability features, but with continuous development efforts, this release includes a large number of useful improvements that existing customers will welcome.
Maple 2017 provides numerous improvements in mathematical power, visualizations and deployment that will appeal to a variety of users.
As always, there are constant improvements in the mathematical engine, implementing new algorithms and adding more flexibility and efficiency to existing ones.
New abilities include finding exact solutions to more PDEs with boundary conditions, finding new limits, solving more integrals, performing new graph theory computations, analyzing data in new ways, and much more.
Product:Maplesoft MapleVersion:2017.xLanguage:englishSystem Requirements:MacOsxSupported Operating Systems:macOS 10.12, 10.11, 10.10Size:1.2 Gb只需要升级请下载Maple.v2017.3.Update即可,全新安装下载Maple.v2017.3.mac
发布日期: 2017-10-07