Duration 45m Project Files Included MP4
Title: Gumroad – Basics & Beyond Tutorial – Tim Bergholz
1 HD Video File
Pivot Script for 3Ds Max
My shortcuts for 3Ds Max
Duration: 45 minutes video MP4 format with full audio commentary in English
Whether you’re new to 3DS Max or just want to freshen up your skills, this tutorial will help you turning 3DS MAX into a powerful tool and work horse.
We start by having a look at controls, important settings & configurations and continue with an in depth look at numerous actions, modifiers as well as the importance of shortcuts to become fast and efficient.
With this tutorial you’ll get my personal key config and learn about additional free third party plugins that save us a lot of time.
Aimed at all levels this tutorial will pave the way of creating state of the art 3D models.
Software used: 3Ds Max 2016
发布日期: 2017-08-02