CG数据库 >> Flaming Pear Flood 2.05 for Adobe Photoshop MaCOSX

Flaming Pear Flood 2.05 for Adobe Photoshop MaCOSX的图片1

Flamingpear Flood 是Flamingpear公司推出的一款PhotoShop图像效果增强处理滤镜,目前为止这种制造水面效果的滤镜还是独一无二的,效果很真实,可以做出令人叫绝的倒影效果,甚至连倒影都能反射出来。它提供了水的波纹、波纹泊幅射、透视及水的颜色等控制。尽管它是一个2D的效果插件,但是它可以产生令人隽的真的3D效果。

Flaming Pear Flood 2.05 for Adobe Photoshop MaCOSX | 4.50 MB

Create realistic watery reflections with control over waves, ripples, and perspective.​ Now with improved 3D realism.​ Inundate the landscape and submerge your friends. Create realistic watery reflections with control over waves, ripples, and perspective.​ Now with improved 3D realism.

Add water to pictures

Inundate the landscape and submerge your friends. Create realistic watery reflections with control over waves, ripples, and perspective.​ Now with improved 3D realism.

Flood 2 Features:

- Revise landscapes for a picture-perfect effect

- Drown foreground objects in Photoshop with a little editing

- Rapid reflections better than can be painted by hand

- Altitude, perspective, and horizon spin controls let you match the water to the photo

- Does the original Flood effect too

System Requirements:

- Mac OS X 10.8 “Mountain Lion” or later

- macOS: Mac plug-ins will work back to CS5.

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发布日期: 2017-08-01