Nero 2018 Platinum发挥您创意的“顶级之选”Nero 2018 Platinum 既富于创新又稳定可靠,为您提供广受好评的强大附加新功能套装,用于刻录、复制、创建、编辑、播放、流式传输、转录和转换多媒体文件,使用任何设备都能获得顶级品质刻录和复制顶级技术让回忆经久不衰无论您要处理音乐 CD、DVD 或蓝光光盘电影、家庭活动的专业相片集或是最近夜晚狂欢的智能手机快照,使用 Nero 2016 Platinum,您就能对珍视的媒体和内容进行刻录和复制,并制作长期备份。
借助全新设计和打印模板,您可以创造个性化的 DVD 封面或音频 CD!创建和编辑让所有视频具有 4K 惊艳效果从手机、平板电脑或相机导入视频后,您可以使用 Nero 专业工具方便快捷地进行创建、剪切和编辑。
此外,如果您非常想让观众对您的幻灯片、蓝光光盘或 DVD 感到惊艳,可使用 Platinum 套装提供的全系列效果和模板。
Nero Platinum 2018 Suite 19.x Multilingual + Content Pack | 366 MB / 1.3 GBNero Platinum 2018 Suite - Full potential for your digital life! Wherever you go or stay, your life is digital. Photos, videos, movies, and music on PC, smartphone, tablet, and smart TV: Who should manage and keep an eye on everything? With Nero Platinum 2018, you can reliably manage your everyday digital life – both at home and on the move. Now with brand-new features!Minimum System Requirements:- Windows® 7 SP1 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32/64 bit), Windows® 8 (32/64 bit), Windows® 8.1 (32/64 bit) with April 2014 Update, Windows® 10 (32/64 bit)- 2 GHz AMD or Intel® processor- 1 GB RAM- 5 GB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components (including templates, content and temporary disk space)- Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 compliant graphics card- DVD disc drive for installation and playback- CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc recordable or rewritable drive for burning- Windows Media® Player 9 or higher- Third party components such as Microsoft .NET® 4.5.2, Microsoft® DirectX® or Adobe Flash are shipped with the product or automated download if not included in the package-19.0.10200.rar:
发布日期: 2018-01-10