这是一款Mac平台优秀的图像快捷处理工具,可以帮助我们进行最常用的图形转换工作,将常见的图片格式转换成PNG, TIFF, JPG以及ICNS格式,另外还能够把普通像素的图片转换成视网膜像素的高品质图片,而且还支持图片压缩瘦身等功能,非常值得拥有。
v1.1.5 Mac OS X | 2.9 MB
Slicy truly reinvents Photoshop slicing. To export PSD elements as assets for your website or app, rename your layer groups once and let Slicy do everything else. Designers and developers, rejoice! Slicy exports layer groups independently, giving you total freedom to move, overlap or even hide design elements. Tagging for export is easy while organizing your PSDs, and quickly saves you tons of time. You'll soon experience how natural this revolutionary new way of exporting is.
Precision exporting, including transparency
Wonderful for App, Web and icon design
No grids or templates, just use your mockup
AutoSize or explicitly define areas to export
AutoRepeat when you save in PS (optional)
For you, or a team — no plug-ins required
Fantastic advanced canvas/group slicing
99% real-world PSD support, including CS6
发布日期: 2013-11-26