Title: Maxon Cinema 4D – R19 WinInfo:Cinema 4D Release 19 offers both great tools and enhancements you can put to use immediately and a peek into the foundations for the future.
Designers choose Cinema 4D for its fast, easy workflow and rock-solid stability, and Release 19 makes your workflow even faster, expands your horizons with new features and offers dependability you can count on.
Alembic R19Alembic module is now based on Alembic 1.6.1 SDKAlembic now supports subframe interpolation“Other Attributes” option enables the import of additional point attributesExport now supports the LOD ObjectAlembic Generator“Other Attributes” option enables the import of additional point attributesSeveral workflow improvementsAlembic Morph TagFBX R19FBX module is now based on FBX SDK 2017.1Support for FBX LOD Groups added (import/export)“Selection Only” option added to only export the selected objects“Global Coordinates” option added to save objects with global instead of local coordinatesNew Media handlingDDS exporter addedRPF can now save Material IDsOBJNew option “Groups (combine name collisions)Houdini Engine IntegrationUpdated to Houdini Engine 16.0.633The Integration now also supports particle rotation.
发布日期: 2017-12-13