CG数据库 >> Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R19.068 Multilingual Win/MacOS

为何使用Cinema 4D?易用且强大:Cinema 4D是所有希望可以快速省心制作出令人屏息以待作品的3D艺术家的最佳工具包。

初学者和经验丰富的专业人士可以利用Cinema 4D全面的工具和功能快速达到惊人的结果。

Cinema 4D出色的稳定性也是快节奏3D生产线上完美的应用程序,以及具有一系列满足任何艺术家的价格吸引力。

易用当你能快速制作出色作品,是每个人初入3D世界时最令人兴奋的事!Cinema 4D直观易懂的操作与逻辑性界面使初学者能很容易找对地方和控制软件。

即使是专业用户也对Cinema 4D的易用性赞不绝口。


直观的界面Cinema 4D是我们用户日常工作流程中的中流砥柱。


Cinema 4D也可以轻易定制布局,适合用户的需求并保存供以后使用。

稳定Cinema 4D以其卓越的稳定性著称。


我们也会定期推送服务包以不断完善Cinema 4D,同时快速地响应操作系统与驱动程序的更新!强大的帮助系统任何关于特定功能的问题,都可以通过右键点击直接跳转到软件内置的文档中快速得到回答。


Cinema 4D提供了众多非破坏性选择:参数化建模、程序着色、纹理等等。

Cinema 4D的场次系统可让你在一个文件中保存、管理同一场景的多个版本!Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R19.x MultilingualCinema 4D is the professional 3D package for your needs.

If you want to create advanced 3D graphics and need a helping hand to ensure you create jaw-dropping graphics quickly and easily, then Cinema 4D is the choice for you.

It comes in four different flavours for everyone's taste.

What's New in CINEMA 4D Release 19:Tools for today, technology for tomorrowCinema 4D Release 19 offers both great tools and enhancements you can put to use immediately and a peek into the foundations for the future.

Designers choose Cinema 4D for its fast, easy workflow and rock-solid stability, and Release 19 makes your workflow even faster, expands your horizons with new features and offers dependability you can count on.

ViewportWith Depth of Field and Screen Space Reflections you'll get render-quality results in real-time, and it's easy to accurately place lights and visualize reflectance settings.

Voronoi FractureVoronoi Fracture makes it easy to procedurally split objects - in Release 19 you can control dynamics with connectors, glue pieces together, add detail to cracks and more.

Spherical CameraTap into today's top trend - render Stereo 360° VR videos for YouTube, Facebook, Oculus or Vive.

LOD (LEVEL OF DETAIL)Maximize viewport and render speed, and prepare assets for game workflowsPOLY REDUCTIONNew generator preserves UV-mapped texturesSCENE RECONSTRUCTIONCreate Point Clouds or basic mesh from motion-tracked footageCHARACTER WORKFLOWPose space deformation and improved weighting workflowSOUND EFFECTORCreate audio-reactive animations based on multiple frequencies from a single MP3Radeon ProRenderWhether you're on Windows or Mac, you can experience the future of GPU rendering in Cinema 4D - physically-based, deeply integrated and extremely interactive.

New Media CoreUse animated GIFs and MP4s as textures, and render directly to MP4, DDS and improved OpenEXR.

All the image, video and sound formats import faster and support more options.

NEW MODELING COREExperience improved N-gon and Edge handling in Align and Reverse Normal commandsBODYPAINT 3D OPENGLReal-time display of reflections and displacement as you paintRelease Notes:CINEMA 4D Release 19 Complete Feature ListMinimum System Requirements:macOS 10.11.6 or 10.12.4+ with 64-bit CPU running on Intel-based Apple MacintoshCINEMA R19.068 R19.068.rar:

Maxon CINEMA 4D Studio R19.068 Multilingual Win/MacOS的图片1

发布日期: 2018-08-15