CG数据库 >> solidThinking Inspire 2018.3.0.10526

solidThinking Inspire 能够帮助设计工程师、产品设计师和架构师快速轻松地开发和研究结构高效型的概念设计,从而节省成本、缩短研发时间、节约材料和减轻产品重量。

solidThinking Inspire 的主要新功能包括几何简化工具、线性静态分析、集中质量零部件以及包括实体几何图形导出功能在内的平滑选项。

solidThinking Inspire   | 1.0 GbsolidThinking, Inc.

announced the availability of Inspire 2018, is a concept design tool that uses topology, topography, lattice, and gauge optimization to produce structural shapes in response to loads.

The resulting shapes are polymeshes you can export to other computer-aided design tools as a source of inspiration for your designs.

You can also generate .

stl files for rapid prototyping.

Product:solidThinking InspireVersion:2018Supported Architectures:x64Language:multilanguageSystem Requirements:PCSupported Operating Systems:Windows 7even or newerSize:1.0 Gb

solidThinking Inspire 2018.3.0.10526的图片1
solidThinking Inspire 2018.3.0.10526的图片2
solidThinking Inspire 2018.3.0.10526的图片3
solidThinking Inspire 2018.3.0.10526的图片4

发布日期: 2018-08-05