Pro - 是一种快速,安全和易于使用的远程控制软件,可让您从任何地方远程控制电脑。 你看到远程计算机的屏幕在一个可调整大小的窗口,并可以控制远程电脑,鼠标和键盘。 除了鼠标和键盘控制,LiteManager提供了许多其他工具为系统管理员设置,例如,文件传输,任务管理器,远程启动,从远程计算机捕获声音和更加有用。
LiteManager Pro 4.x | 14.6 MB
Languages: English, Russian
LiteManager Pro — is a fast, secure and easy to use Remote Control Software that allows you to Control Remote PC from anywhere. You see the remote computer screen in a resizable window and can control the remote computer with your mouse and keyboard. Besides mouse and keyboard control, LiteManager offers a number of other tools useful for a system administrator, for example, file transfer, a task manager, remote launch, capturing sound from the remote computer and much more.
OS :
Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2000/2008/2003
: English, Russian
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发布日期: 2019-05-03