CG数据库 >> Unbound 1.2.1 MacOS

Unbound 1.2.1 MacOS的图片1

使用 Unbound 可以很方便的创建DNS服务器。Unbound的目的是作为一个模块化的组件。

Unbound 1.x | macOS | 9 mb

Unbound was designed with speed as a priority. Everything from the initial app launch to scrolling through your thumbs is incredibly responsive. Access photos whenever you want without having to wait. It doesn't create a separate photo library like other photo apps. Instead, Unbound uses your existing file structure to create its albums. This means that there is no duplication of your photos, and that they're easy to access and edit with any application you choose.


OS X 10.11 or later 64-bit


发布日期: 2018-07-27