CG数据库 >> ColorWell 6.1 MacOS

ColorWell 6.1 MacOS的图片1

ColorWell 是一款可直接输出Web颜色代码的取色工具,通过方便的Hex/RGB/Float/HSL翻译提供即时访问标准Mac OS X 的Color Wheel,任何网页设计师的工具箱都应该有它,将它配置在工具栏上,并打开一个全局热键,使用方便又快捷。

ColorWell 6.x | macOS | 6 mb

ColorWell provides instant access to the standard OS X Color Wheel, with a handy Hex/RGB/Float/HSL translator. ColorWell is a useful tool in any good Web designer's toolkit, and can be easily configured to live up in the system toolbar and open with a global hotkey.


OS X 10.11 or later 64-bit


发布日期: 2018-05-01