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ANSYS Products 19.0 Linux的图片1

美国ANSYS公司研制的大型通用有限元分析软件最近发布了最新版本: ANSYS Products v19


ANSYS Products 是融结构、流体、电磁场、声场和耦合场分析于一体的大型通用有限元分析软件。由世界上最大的有限元分析软件公司之一的美国ANSYS公司开发,它能与多数CAD软件接口,实现数据的共享和交换,如Pro/Engineer, NASTRAN,Alogor, I-DEAS, AutoCAD等, 是现代产品设计中的高级CAE工具之一。因此它可应用于以下工业领域: 航空航天、汽车工业、生物医学、桥梁、建筑、电子产品、重型机械、微机电系统、运动器械等。

软件主要包括三个部分:前处理模块,分析计算模块和后处理模块。 前处理模块提供了一个强大的实体建模及网格划分工具,用户可以方便地构造有限元模型。 分析计算模块包括结构分析(可进行线性分析、非线性分析和高度非线性分析)、流体动力学分析、电磁场分析、声场分析、压电分析以及多物理场的耦合分析,可模拟多种物理介质的相互作用,具有灵敏度分析及优化分析能力。 后处理模块可将计算结果以彩色等值线显示、梯度显示、矢量显示、粒子流迹显示、立体切片显示、透明及半透明显示(可看到结构内部)等图形方式显示出来,也可将计算结果以图表、曲线形式显示或输出。 软件提供了100种以上的单元类型,用来模拟工程中的各种结构和材料。该软件有多种不同版本,可以运行在从个人机到大型机的多种计算机设备上,如PC,SGI,HP,SUN,DEC,IBM,CRAY等。

ANSYS Products19.0特点:











ANSYS Products 19.0 Linux | 12.3 Gb

ANSYS has release version 19.0 of its engineering simulation software. In this release, there changes to the way HPC (high performance computing) works for certain ANSYS products.

The ANSYS products listed below will, from January 2018, gain access to four compute cores. Coupled with the recent increases in HPC scalability, this will deliver significant performance gains.

Impacted products are:

- ANSYS Mechanical Pro, Premium, Enterprise

- ANSYS CFD Premium and Enterprise

- ANSYS Mechanical CFD Maxwell 3D

- ANSYS Mechanical Maxwell 3D

- ANSYS Mechanical CFD


- ANSYS SIwave

- ANSYS Maxwell

- ANSYS Q3D Extractor

- ANSYS Icepak

In addition to this, current ANSYS HPC products (standalone HPC licenses, Packs and Workgroups) will become more flexible and work with all ANSYS Mechanical, Fluids, and Electronics products. Note that ANSYS Electronics HPC products will move to legacy, with migration to corresponding current ANSYS HPC products. HPC Packs and Workgroups will also be additive in nature. A user's four base cores will be added to the HPC cores. For example, the behavior of HPC Packs is shown below.

ANSYS 19.0 - Release Notes:


ANSYS Products 19.0 Linux的图片2

ANSYS Products 19.0 Linux的图片3

About ANSYS Products.

ANSYS offers a comprehensive software suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires. Organizations around the world trust ANSYS to deliver the best value for their engineering simulation software investment.

Simulation-driven product development takes engineering simulation to another level ― the unequalled depth and breadth of our software coupled with its unmatched engineered scalability, comprehensive multiphysics foundation and adaptive architecture set our technology apart from other CAE tools. These ANSYS advantages add value to the engineering design process by delivering efficiency, driving innovation and reducing physical constraints enabling simulated tests that might not be possible otherwise.

About ANSYS Inc.

Founded in 1970, ANSYS employs nearly 3,000 professionals, many of whom are expert M.S. and Ph.D.-level engineers in finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, electronics, semiconductors, embedded software and design optimization. Our exceptional staff is passionate about pushing the limits of world-class simulation technology so our customers can turn their design concepts into successful, innovative products faster and at lower cost. As a measure of our success in attaining these goals, ANSYS has been recognized as one of the world's most innovative companies by prestigious publications such as Bloomberg Businessweek and FORTUNE magazines.


ANSYS Products


19.0.0 (3DVD: ANSYS 19.0 Setup, Local Help and DVD PDF Documentation)

Supported Architectures:


Website Home Page :



System Requirements:


Supported Operating Systems:



12.3 Gb


Red Hat Enterprise 6(6.8 & 6.9)

Red Hat Enterprise 7 (7.2 & 7.3)

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SP3 & SP4)

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server & Desktop 12 (SP1 & SP2)



发布日期: 2018-04-22