CG数据库 >> Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX 1.3 for Maya 2014-2018 x64

Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX 1.3 for Maya 2014-2018 x64的图片1

Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX 1.3 for Maya 2014-2018 |130.0 mb

Ziva Dynamics has released Ziva VFX 1.3, the new version of its skin and muscle simulation plugin for Maya.The latest release includes countless tool upgrades, bug fixes, and an improved installation method for select users.

Release Notes


Version 1.3




- Improved multi-solver workflows:

- Ability to set the default solver: :ref:`sec-MenuSolverSetDefault`

- Easier solver selection: :ref:`sec-MenuSolverSelect`

- All commands can now accept scene object inputs by name. If no scene objects are given by name, the currently selected objects are used, as before.

- Ex: ``ziva -t pSphere1;`` converts pSphere1 into a tissue.

- Ex: ``zFindSelfIntersections myMesh1;`` finds self-intersections in myMesh1.

- Ex: ``zCache -l "myCache.zCache" zSolver1;`` loads a simulation cache into zSolver1.

- Ex: ``zSelectVerticesByProximity -r 0.5 myMesh1 myMesh2;`` finds vertices on myMesh1 that are within 0.5 units of myMesh2.

- Fibers and attachments draw grey when their envelope attributes are set to zero, to show that they are effectively disabled.

- Attachment rendering fades to transparent as its weightmap fades to black.

- zSelectVerticesByProximity has been renamed to zFindVerticesByProximity.

- zFindIntersections and zFindSelfIntersections can both work with any number of meshes,

instead of just 2 or 1 respectively.

- zFindIntersections can optionally also find self-intersections.

- The zFindIntersections, zFindSelfIntersections, and zFindVerticesByProximity MEL commands now return selection strings instead of changing the current selection.

- The behavior of the corresponding Ziva Tools menu items has not changed, and will still set the current selection.

- To achieve the old behavior when writing MEL, you can call, for example: ``select `zFindIntersections`;``.

- Reduce default collision stiffness on :ref:`sec-zTissue` and :ref:`sec-zCloth` nodes to reduce jitter and improve stability with default settings.

- The zCopyMesh command has been deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.

Bug Fixes


- Attribute :ref:`sec-zFiber`.envelope also affects excitation due to :ref:`sec-zLineOfAction`. Consequently, if :ref:`sec-zFiber`.envelope is zero, that fiber will not contract.

- Tissue tetrahedralization will no longer happen while :ref:`sec-zSolver` is disabled. Pulling on :ref:`sec-zTet`.oMesh while the solver is disabled will no longer work.

- Make initial fiber endpoints work on meshes with multiple connected components. Previously, the fiber would be created and instantly cause an error in the scene.

- Fixed bug that sometimes causes fibers to draw in grey when multiple fibers are selected.

- Fixed bug that sometimes left the effect of a :ref:`sec-zFiber` node even after the node was deleted.

- Minor fixes to the undo/redo behavior of ziva, zPaintAttachmentsByProximity, and zMeshCheck MEL commands.

About Ziva VFX.

An FEM solver similar to the one used in Houdini, Ziva VFX is designed to let users set up stable, robust simulations, preserving tissue volume exactly even under large deformations or when using large timesteps.

It supports a range of material types, designed to mimic the stiffness, density and volume preservation of real tissues, including bone, tendons, muscles and skin; and supports multiple types of physical damping.

As well as editing parameters directly, Ziva VFX supports a brush-based workflow making it possible to paint material properties and mesh resolution, and even paint in muscle attachment points and muscle fibres.

Users can also embed arbitrary meshes into tissue simulations or “goal elastic solids to externally animated triangle meshes, for automatic addition of secondary motion”.

Simulations can be cached to RAM or to disk to speed up playback and iteration; while character rigs can be scripted in MEL or via a set of open-source Python tools.

About Ziva Dynamics Inc.

Ziva Dynamics Inc. develops a virtual character development software. The company was incorporated in 2015 and is based in North Vancouver, Canada.


Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX



Supported Architectures:


Website Home Page :



System Requirements:


Supported Operating Systems:

The same OS for the version of software that you are using.

Software Prerequisites:

Autodesk Maya 2014-2018


130.0 mb

发布日期: 2018-08-12