CG数据库 >> RevisionFX RE:Match 2.0.1 for After Effects

RevisionFX RE:Match 2.0.1 for After Effects的图片1

RevisionFX RE:Match 2.0.1 for After Effects | 24.7 Mb

Automatic color and texture matching that addresses problems of multicam and stereo shoots. Color correct one shot to match another when using multiple takes or cameras. RE:Match can match using the whole image or part of an image, and can use any point in time. RE:Match improves stereo footage by knowing that the two views are captured at the same time with a small distance between the views.


Installed plug-in will work with After Effects CS6 (and up) and Premiere Pro CS6 (and up).

System requirements:

The same OS and hardware requirements for the version of After Effects that you are using.

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RevisionFX RE:Match 2.0.1 for After Effects的图片1

发布日期: 2018-06-09