Vivado Design Suite HLx 版本 - 加速高层次设计
Vivado® Design Suite通过全新 HLx 版本为基于 IP 的新一代 C/C++ 设计实现了一种新型的超高生产力方法,其中包括:HL System 版本、HL Design 版本以及 HL WebPACK™ 版本。
Vivado HLx 版本可为设计团队提供实现基于 C 的设计、重用优化、IP 子系统重复、集成自动化以及设计收敛加速所需的工具和方法。与 UltraFast™ 高层次生产力设计方法指南相结合,这种特殊组合经过验证,不仅可帮助设计人员以高层次抽象形式开展工作,同时还可促进重复使用,从而可加速生产力。
软件定义 IP 生成 - Vivado 高层次综合 (HLS)
基于模块的 IP 和 Vivado IP 集成
基于模型的 DSP 设计和 System Generator for DSP集成
Vivado 逻辑仿真器
集成 & 独立 编程与调试环境
加速验证超过 100 倍,通过 C、 C++ 或 SystemC 以及 Vivado HLS
设计实现时间缩短 4 倍
设计密度提升 20%
在低端 & 中档产品中实现高达 3 速度级性能优势,在高端产品中实现 35% 功耗优势
Xilinx Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions 2018.2 | 18.0 Gb
Xilinx has unveiled Vivado Design Suite 2018.1 HLx Editions. This released introduces the new production device support, also has additional ease of use improvements to ensure you can increase your overall efficiency and get your products to market faster.
Now available in the Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions 2018.2 Release - June 6, 2018:
Vivado 2018.2 introduces the new production device support. Vivado 2018.2 also has additional ease of use improvements to ensure you can increase your overall efficiency and get your products to market faster.
The following devices and features are also updated in this release :
Xilinx Vivado Design Suite
2018.2 HLx Editions
Supported Architectures:
Website Home Page :
System Requirements:
PC / Linux
Supported Operating Systems:
18.0 Gb
Microsoft Windows Support
- Windows 7 SP1 Professional (64bit), English/Japanese.
- Windows 10 Professional versions 1709 and 1803 (64bit)
Linux Support
- Red Hat Enterprise Workstation/Server 7.2 - 7.4 (64bit)
- Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 6.6 - 6.9 (64bit)
- SUSE Linux Enterprise 11.4 and 12.3 (64bit)
- CentOS 7.2 - 7.4 (64bit)
- CentOS 6.6 - 6.9 (64bit)
- Ubuntu Linux 16.04.3 LTS (64bit)
发布日期: 2018-07-04