Maplesoft公司宣布发行MapleSim 2018 版本!
MapleSim是一个高性能多领域系统建模和仿真工具,建立在符号—数值混合计算技术基础之上,能够有效地处理工程系统模型(例如复杂多领域系统建模、虚拟样机、和控制系统设计等)开发中涉及的各种复杂数学问题。MapleSim提供广泛的预置建模元件库和专业工具箱,包括多体机械库、传动库、高级液压库、电气库、控制设计工具箱等。MapleSim提供强大的基于Modelica语言的开发平台,方便用户创建和分析模型,用户也可以利用数学软件Maple轻松将自定义数学模型转化为仿真模型,帮助用户快速创建复杂的系统级模型。 通过MapleSim可以实现系统级的建模、分析和仿真,让设计人员在快速对设计方案进行可行性分析,产品功能测试、优化系统参数并进行故障诊断,减少消耗在基于物理样机试验带来的巨大时间和费用。
Maplesoft MapleSim 2018.1 | 2.0 Gb
The Maplesoft product team is pleased to announce the availability of MapleSim 2018.1. This release offers new tools for developing digital twins, greater connectivity with other modeling tools, and expanded modeling scope.
Improvements include:
- New tools for creating motion profiles
- FMI import for FMI 2.0 Fixed-Step Co-Simulation
- Optimized handling of large models
- Inclusion of temperature effects in the MapleSim Hydraulics Library from Modelon and MapleSim Pneumatics Library from Modelon
- Heat transfer through air and water with the MapleSim Heat Transfer Library from CYBERNET
About Maplesoft MapleSim.
MapleSim is an advanced physical modeling and simulation platform that applies modern techniques to dramatically reduce model development time, provide greater insight into system behavior, and produce fast, high-fidelity simulations. MapleSim allows for easy model investigation, convenient library creation, and improved Modelica support. It has a number of add-on components including the MapleSim Battery Library and the MapleSim Control Design Toolbox.
About Maplesoft.
Maplesoft, a subsidiary of Cybernet Systems Co. Ltd. in Japan, is the leading provider of high-performance software tools for engineering, science, and mathematics. Its product suite reflects the philosophy that given great tools, people can do great things.
Maplesoft MapleSim
2018.1 Build 1321769
Supported Architectures:
32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page :
System Requirements:
PC / MacOsx / Linux
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 7even or newer / Apple Osx 10.11 or newer / Red Hat Enterprise 7, SUSE Enterprise Desktoз 12, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 17.10, 18.04
Software Prerequisites:
Maplesoft Maple 2018.1
2.0 Gb
MapleSim 2018 requires that Maple 2018.1 be installed. If you have Maple 2018, installing MapleSim 2018 will automatically upgrade your Maple version to Maple 2018.1.
发布日期: 2018-07-16