借助 Revit® Structure 和 SOFiSTiK 结构分析解决方案之间的无缝式集成链接,结构工程师可以将结构分析和规范检查整合到 BIM 工作流。
工程师能从 Revit Structure 中直接利用分析模型,对楼板、墙、柱、族、点线以及面荷载、荷载工况、支撑条件和轴网进行分析。此外,SOFiSTiK 还开发相关软件,用来提高模板和配筋图的创建效率。
SOFiSTiK 分析解决方案可直接链接到 Revit Structure,为有限元分析提供了无缝集成
访问 Revit Structure 中的德国套件,从而使用满足本地需求的特定内容
SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing 2015 显著加快了 Revit 中三维模型的二维钢筋图纸的创建速度。该产品包含软件和一组族,可轻松对其修改以满足本地或公司标准。同时还随附钢筋列表、折弯明细表和钢丝网切割列的创建。
SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation 使用 Autodesk Revit Structure 计算的分析和设计结果,自动生成梁、柱、墙和楼板的三维钢筋模型。三维钢筋模型提供了自动生成的建议钢筋布局,不仅符合钢筋的相关要求,还可随时进行修改。
SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing & Generation 2019 | 506.3 mb
SOFiSTiK is pleased to announce the availability of Reinforcement Detailing & Generation 2019. The main purpose of the powerful tool 'SOFiSTiK Reinforcement for Autodesk Revit' is to enable the engineer to develop 3D reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures in three-dimensional space using Autodesk Revit.
What's new in SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation 2019:
The 3D rebar model created by SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation shall serve as an automatically generated recommendation which fulfills the required reinforcement and which can be modified and further refined by the user.
Design requirements from construction codes and company standards can be controlled by user-defined rules similar to the approach used in expert systems. Visualization of existing and required reinforcement further support users to ensure their quality of work.
SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation reads analysis results directly from the SOFiSTiK database (.cdb) as well as from Autodesk Revit Results Packages.
It is worth mentioning the software is not oriented to create reinforcement with a predefined configuration, in these cases other means can be used to accelerate the modeling process such as the Revit Extensions.
SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing & Generation
Supported Architectures:
Website Home Page :
System Requirements:
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 7even or newer
Software Prerequisites:
Autodesk Revit 2019
506.3 mb
发布日期: 2018-08-23