MecSoft 近期正式发布 RhinoCAM 2018, 为 Rhino 提供最新的 CAM 整合方案。
RhinoCAM 包括4个CAM模组:RhinoCAM-MILL、RhinoCAM-TURN、RhinoCAM-NEST与RhinoCAM-ART, 每个模块都可以单独购买且在 Rhino 中独立安装。RhinoCAM 旨在为Rhino提供一个完整、强大的计算机辅助制造与加工的解决方案和平台。
增强对 2轴、3轴与4轴的铣削功能与车削刀具路径的方法。
加强 RhinoCAM-NEST 模块
MecSoft RhinoCAM 2018 v8.0.425 / v8.0.28 for Rhino5 / Rhino6 (x64) | 565 Mb
RhinoCAM is a Computer Aided Machining (CAM) plug-in for CNC that runs completely inside of Rhinoceros 5.0 & 6.0. This plug-in is a general purpose machining program targeted at the general machinist.
RhinoCAM marries the power of Rhino’s freeform modeling with the legendary machining capabilities of VisualCAM to bring you a product of unrivaled capability for free form surface machining. With the seamless user interface, selection and display integration RhinoCAM acts and feels like you are working with Rhino when creating your cutter paths.
RhinoCAM is fully associative to any geometry changes within Rhino. RhinoCAM includes modules for MILL, TURN, NEST, ART and MESH to address specific needs of various CNC manufacturing processes.
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发布日期: 2018-08-24