CG数据库 >> VEST HyDraw CAD900 SP1

VEST HyDraw CAD900 SP1的图片1

VEST HyDraw CAD900 SP1是一款使用自带二维CAD引擎的油路设计软件。该软件功能强大,可以轻松快速地设计出绘制专业、毫无差错的液压回路,而且还能自动生成物料清单。使用精确的ISO符号并通过智能链接功能关联模型数据、配件、文档和CAD文件。


– 符号:替换,翻转或旋转,转换或连接HyDraw对象

– 连接线:ISO标准,自定义,合并

– 标题栏:插入和编辑

–  增强功能:HyDraw属性管理器,显示属性,导出到MDTools,装配ID,绘图模板

– 用于管理HyDraw CAD工程图的Autodesk Vault

VEST HyDraw CAD900 SP1功能

HyDraw库——HyDraw库可容纳各种简单和复杂的图形组件符号,以及涵盖工业和移动液压系统的原理图。 根据ISO1219-1:2012,流体动力系统和组件 – 图形符号和电路图 – 第1部分:常规使用和数据处理应用的图形符号设计。 与ISO标准的几个百分比偏差需要考虑到符号和客户群的大变体。 HyDraw库包括滑入式和旋入式插装阀以及用于歧管设计电路的相关符号。

智能符号——HyDraw符号使用原始形状创建,例如线条,折线,矩形,正方形,圆形,圆弧,省略号。 它们表示在断电(静止)位置具有指定功能或操作方法的部件,或者没有明确定义的断电位置的部件特定规则。 库中包含一组ISO指定的基本形状,以帮助您设计自己的通用符号。 HyDraw符号还包括端口识别和端口编号,这对于多种设计至关重要。

ISO指南——VEST遵守了模块系统的ISO指南(1Module = 2毫米),其中符号适合网格并呈现对称性。 使用图层属性将ISO定义的颜色分配给供应线,返回线,引导线,排水线,包络线和流向显示出吸引人的彩色图形,这有助于即时了解组件的操作方面。 层属性也用于命名端口,位置和螺线管。 (美国和欧洲模式)

搜索——新的强大的HyDraw CAD900库搜索命令从www.FluidPowerTools.com搜索一般或OEM特定的符号和电路,节省时间和精力。

VEST HyDraw CAD900 (Release 900.0.1.8) SP1 | 1.2 Gb

VEST, Inc. has unveiled HyDraw CAD900 (Release 900.0.1.8) SP1. With the 900 version, system design engineers and sales executives now have a much faster, better and more intelligent circuit design software.

This release includes:

- Symbols: Replace, Flip or Rotate, Convert or Connect with the HyDraw Objects

- Connection Lines: ISO Standard, Custom, Merge

- Title Block: Insert and Edit

- Enhancements: HyDraw Property Manager, Display Properties, Export to MDTools, Assembly ID, Drawing Templates

- Autodesk Vault to Manage HyDraw CAD Drawings

About HyDraw CAD900.

Create accurate, error free, professionally drawn hydraulic circuits, parts lists, and quotations quickly and easily.

Drag-and-drop ‘smart’ symbols into a drawing with point-and-click component selection. The ‘smart’ connection lines snap to ports and self-route with jumpers.

Auto BOM generation ensures accuracy of your Bill of Materials. Easily insert it into the circuit drawing, or export it to Microsoft Excel.

Get started with over 8,000 ISO 1219-1 compliant symbols covering both industrial and mobile hydraulics. ‘Remember’ your data and rules using HyDraw custom database. Ensure up-to-date pricing of components by linking your ERP data to HyDraw.

Circuit design data can be easily ported to downstream manifold design and CAM systems.

HyDraw can access manufacturer component data from, a fee-based service from VEST. Also, submit your circuit to for ‘instant’ manifold design. Use HyDraw and ensure your competitive edge.

VEST HyDraw CAD900 SP1的图片2


VEST HyDraw CAD900


(Release 900.0.1.8) SP1

Supported Architectures:


Website Home Page :



System Requirements:


Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 7even or newer

Software Prerequisites:

Excel 2013** or higher.


1.2 Gb

** Required only for exporting HyDraw data.


发布日期: 2018-08-25