CG数据库 >> Osfoora for Twitter v1.3.4 MacOSX

Osfoora for Twitter v1.3.4 MacOSX的图片1

如果你经常玩Twitter客户端,那一定对Osfoora这款客户端不陌生,与Tweetbot相比,Osfoora简洁,小巧,运行流畅,z这些在iPhone平台的特点同样被Osfoora for Twitter



Osfoora Mac支持:


支持多种图片外链服务: Yfrog, TwitPic, Twitter, CloudApp, Imgly


视频外链服务: TwitVid, Yfrog, TwitPic, CloudApp.

离线阅读:Instapaper ,Read It Later

URLd短地址服务via CloudApp



Osfoora for Twitter v1.3.4 (Mac OS X) | 6 MB

Osfoora for Twitter is a powerful Twitter client with a clean and intuitive user interface. You’ll enjoy a wide set of powerful features such as Muting users, Read Later, Message Conversations, Multiple Accounts, and more.

Feature list:

Multiple accounts with multi-windows.

TweetMarker Support: Timeline syncing of reading position between different Twitter apps.

Inline picture thumbnails for popular services, e.g. Instapaper, Twitter, Yfrog, and more.

Mute users.

Mark Tweets belonging to specific users.

Attach multiple images/videos to tweets.

Image Services: Yfrog, TwitPic, Twitter, CloudApp, Imgly.

Set your own custom Image Upload end point (Must follow the TwitPic API and use JSON).

Video Services: TwitVid, Yfrog, TwitPic, CloudApp.

Read Later (Instapaper & Read It Later) with tweet attribution.

URL Shortening via CloudApp (Default is Twitter).

View/Subscribe to Twitter lists.

Access Twitter lists from user profiles (Lists they created, follow, or followed by)

Direct Messages with conversation view.

Search Twitter and view trends.

Flexible Font sizes (11pt – 20pt).

View users on Favstar, and Twitter websites.

Notifications via Growl and Dock Icon.

Edit your Twitter profile info.

Resizable Sidebar.

Robust Keyboard controls for navigation and popular tasks.

Other features such as Blocking users and Reporting Spam


Version 1.3.4:

Fixed media upload issues.

Fixed window rendering issues.

Fixed issue related to navigating to user profiles from search results.

Osfoora for Mac now requires at least OS X 10.7.

Support for native notifications only. Growl removed.


OS X 10.7 or later

发布日期: 2013-12-19