CG数据库 >> Autodesk AutoCad 2019.1.1 x32/x64

Autodesk AutoCad 2019.1.1 x32/x64的图片1

AutoCAD 2019

以下内容是对 AutoCAD 2019 版本主要改进的摘要。



“共享视图”功能从当前图形中提取设计数据,将其存储在云中,并生成可与同事和客户共享的链接。“共享视图”选项板显示所有共享视图的列表,您可以在其中访问注释、删除视图或将其有效期延长至超过其 30 天的寿命。

当您的同事或客户收到来自您的链接时,他们可以使用从其 Web 浏览器运行的 Autodesk 查看器对来自任意联网 PC、平板电脑或移动设备的视图进行查看、审阅、添加注释和标记。


保存到 AutoCAD Web 和 Mobile

现在可以从全球提供 Internet 访问的任何远程位置,在任何桌面、Web 或移动设备上使用 Autodesk Web 和 Mobile 联机打开并保存图形。可以使用新命令(“保存到 Web 和 Mobile”和“从 Web 和 Mobile 中打开”)访问联机图形文件。

Autodesk AutoCad 2019.1.1 x32/x64的图片2

在完成安装 AutoCAD 系统提示安装的应用程序后,即可从接入 Internet 的任何设备(如在现场使用平板电脑,或在远程位置使用台式机)查看和编辑图形。订购 AutoCAD 固定期限的使用许可后,可以获得从 Web 和移动设备进行编辑的功能。

此功能仅适用于 64 位系统。


DWG 比较

使用“DWG 比较”功能,可以在模型空间中亮显相同图形或不同图形的两个修订之间的差异。使用颜色,可以区分每个图形所独有的对象和通用的对象。您可以通过关闭对象的图层将对象排除在比较之外。



不断研究、识别和关闭潜在的安全漏洞。对于基于 AutoCAD 2019 的产品,引入了一个新的系统变量 SECUREREMOTEACCESS,它可以设置为限制从 Internet 或远程服务器位置访问文件。

由于持续和不断增加的网络安全威胁,AutoCAD 安全功能团队继续强烈建议,当 AutoCAD 系列产品更新可用时,请安装所有更新。


针对此版本,Autodesk 投入了与专用于提高软件性能的新 AutoCAD 功能相当的软件工程资源。其他工作将继续提高二维和三维图形性能。性能提高会有显著的差异,具体取决于系统资源和图形的大小和内容。

例如,下面是一个测试图形中的一些典型结果,其中包括大量附着图像。在图形中更改颜色、图层或线型特性的命令所需的时间从约 4 秒减少到约 0.6 秒,同一图形中的 QSAVE 从 1.4 秒减少到约 0.5 秒,并且 REGEN 从约 0.7 秒减少到 0.1 秒。虽然每种情况下性能有所差异,但总体来说更为清晰。对解决顾客报告的缺陷投入更多投资还有助于提高产品质量。




第二部分“更新的帮助主题”列出了我们最近更新的或修订的帮助主题,这是对您在“帮助”和 AutoCAD 讨论论坛中所提交评论的直接响应。

File size: 1.6/2.3 GB

Autodesk AutoCAD 2019 design and documentation software, of the world’s leading 2D and 3D CAD tools. It will allow you to design and shape the world around you using its powerful and flexible features. Speed documentation, share ideas seamlessly, and explore ideas more intuitively in 3D. With thousands of available add-ons, AutoCAD software provides the ultimate in flexibility, customized for your specific needs. It’s time to take design further.

AutoCAD 2019 enables you to create and explore ideas like never before. It is all you need to create, visualize, document, and share your ideas. From conceptual design through drafting and detailing.

Import a wide variety of other formats including SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER, CATIA, Rhino, and NX. Drawing views, edge display, and location are instantly updated when an engineering change is made.

The drafting, detailing, and conceptual design leader is showing the way once again. AutoCAD 2019 propels day-to-day drafting forward with features that increase speed and accuracy while saving time. Annotation scaling and layer properties per viewport minimise workarounds, while text and table enhancements and multiple leaders help deliver an unmatched level of aesthetic precision and professionalism.

Document. Create your designs more intuitively, more efficiently, and faster than ever before.

Communicate. Present and share your designs more seamlessly, more accurately, and more powerfully.

Explore. Now you can turn ideas, regardless of shape or size, into a 3D CAD model to help take your designs further.

Customize. Make AutoCAD software work for you in ways you never thought possible.

Create stunning designs and improve collaboration

Share your work with TrustedDWG technology.

Work across connected desktop, cloud, and mobile solutions.

Get the AutoCAD 360 Pro mobile app when you subscribe.

Autodesk AutoCAD 2019 highlights:

Create and share precise drawings with innovative productivity tools.

Save time and minimise frustration with simple tools to fix broken paths for externally referenced files.

Use the SHX text recognition tool to quickly convert imported PDF geometry to text objects.

Experience significant improvements in 3D navigation when zooming and panning.

Take the power of AutoCAD with you wherever you go with an easy-to-use mobile app.

Operating System:

Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 with Update KB4019990 (32-bit & 64-bit)

Microsoft Windows 8.1 with Update KB2919355 (32-bit & 64-bit)

Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update (64-bit only) (version 1607 or higher)



Autodesk AutoCad 2019.1.1 x32/x64的图片1
Autodesk AutoCad 2019.1.1 x32/x64的图片2

发布日期: 2018-09-07