CG数据库 >> Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate 2019.1 Multilanguage x64

Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate 2019.1 Multilanguage x64的图片1


PowerMill® CAM 软件为多轴数控加工和五轴加工提供了综合全面的铣削策略。获取用于制造模具、冲模和高度复杂零件的工具。

PowerMill 2019:专业多轴数控加工和五轴加工 CAM 软件




x64 |Language:Multilanguage | File Size: 2.18 GB

Delcam software company one of the oldest manufacturers Computer-aided technologies is the term

to use computer technology to help design, analyze and manufacture a variety of products referred

to. Perhaps the most famous, especially in our PowerMILL software company that is a program

designed for three-dimensional CAM design tools path in CNC (Computer Numerical Control stands and means Computer Numerical Control) is designed. PowerMILL machining is a powerful tool for the design

of the CNC 2 to 5-axis tool path will apply.

Delcam PostProcessor As the name implies, the task of editing and review by PowerMILL is the design

and processing. Delcam Exchange software is also a powerful tool for translating and converting CAD data from different applications to each other.

Delcam company was purchased in February 2014 by giant Autodesk software developed by Autodesk.

Facilities and software features Delcam Powermill:

User interface is suitable for high-speed application performance

-determine the best way to reduce the time and tools to reduce the time, energy and production

costs and increase the efficiency of the final

-having Strategy or advanced strategies for machining such as Mhdvdhkary, roughing, finishing

conventional and high-speed ...

-The ability to precisely control the thickness during material removal operations

-indigenous domestic components used in a variety of industries such as engineering, molding, automotive and ...

-perform a variety of detailed and complex calculations in order not to collide with the wall tool and workpiece

-High power display in the simulation and motion graphics tools

System Requirements:

Operating System:

-Microsoft® Windows® 10 (64-bit)

-Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)

-Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)

-CPU:Multiple core 64-bit processor, such as AMD Phenom™ II or Intel® Core™ i7

-RAM:8 GB RAM minimum recommended / 16 GB RAM or more recommended for demanding parts

-GPU:NVIDIA Quadro® At least 2GB fully OpenGL® 2.0 compliant

-Display:1920 x 1200

-Disk Space:160 GB

Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate 2019.1 Multilanguage x64的图片2



Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate 2019.1 Multilanguage x64的图片1
Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate 2019.1 Multilanguage x64的图片2

发布日期: 2018-09-01