Agnitum旗下的防火墙软件Outpost Firewall Pro 深得人心,是一款功能强大的防火墙软件。也正因如此Outpost Firewall Pro的注册码(序列号)变得一码难求。即使网上泄露出有效注册码,也很大机会被封杀。
Agnitum Outpost Firewall 功能之强大,可以秒杀很多防火墙软件,包括了广告和图片过滤、内容过滤、DNS缓存等功能。它能够预防来自Cookies、广告、电子邮件病毒、后门、窃密软件、解密高手、广告软件和其它 Internet 危险的威胁。
不过,Outpost Firewall 最出色的地方应该是其自定义规则方面。根据自己的实际情况,通过自定义防火墙规则,可以更有效地实现广告拦截,避免端口攻击等。当然你首先需要熟悉Outpost Firewall Pro 的规则设置,这方面大家可以谷歌一下,参考别人的方法,再结合自己的需要进行学习设置。
Outpost Firewall Pro 9.x Multilingual x86/x64 | 27/35 MB
Protection Against Hackers. Keeping your system safe from hackers, bandwidth hijacking, data leaks.
What’s Inside
• Two-way firewall for secure network connections
• Proactive Protection module to block unknown and zero-day threats
• SmartDecision technology for fast decision-making in security issues
• Web control with fast web content filtering to protect your PC from web-borne threats
• System and Application Guard to keep installed software and OS protected
• Self-protection technology to maintain continuity of protection
• Program activity tracker to review file and registry activity in real time
• Entertainment mode (for games and video) and Auto-Learn 2.0 (for beginners)
Home page
发布日期: 2015-12-03