CG数据库 >> NETGATE Spy Emergency 2018 25.0.170 Multilingual

NETGATE Spy Emergency 2018 25.0.170 Multilingual的图片1来自捷克的反间谍产品,专注于查杀间谍软件、木马、键盘记录机,以及广告程序等。顾名思义是反间谍应急中心,界面极酷,以火红的默认主题彰显其强力的查杀能力。数据库有十余兆之大,目前已收集了近十万个特征码,相对较全。独创多轮检测技术,并提供常规的实时防护等。软件操作极其简便,直观而清爽,注重用户体验。

File Size: 30.15 MB

Spy Emergency provides you with spyware, trojan and spam protection that can be considered a must these days, as the number of such threats grows exponentially and continuously. While not being the most dangerous malware codes, they create tunnels that can be easily exploited by hackers in order to access your personal information. This particular anti-malware piece of software helps you keep a vast array of threats at bay including spyware, adware, spam, homepage hijackers, remote administration tools, dialers, scumware, toolbars, tracking cookies, keyloggers, trojans, data mining software, browser hijackers or ActiveX components.

Sporting a rather neat and well-organized interface, Spy Emergency manages to bring an intuitive GUI alongside its powerful scanning engine. It has both the looks and the brain to make your day better by fighting the Internet parasites and possible infections. The first section of the application refers to Status and displays scan statistics and protection information. You can quickly opt for system memory scanning as well as registry, storage, tracking cookies, hosts file or VX2 compliant hijackers scanning as a whole. The Options area holds some witty functions such as automatic LSP stack repair an a wide array of shields comprising real-time memory and prevention, browser specific or tracking cookies. Spy Emergency also supports scheduling and a keep list to exclude certain applications from the system scan. You can also keep yourself updated with the latest news in the malware community as well as ask for technical support from experts on this matter.

All in all, Spy Emergency can prove to be a great addition to your antivirus solution, as long as it doesn’t provide specific protection against such threats. It comes packing a hefty feature package that surely comes in very handy at all times, even if you are not constantly browsing the web or perform various Internet-related tasks.


Support for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers

Scan of your system memory

Scan of your registry

Scan of your storage

Built-in anti-spam

System directory storage scan

Tracking cookies scan

Host file scan

Hijackers scan

Heuristic malware detection

Polymorhic malware detection

Generic unpacker with support for UPX, Aspack

Command line interface

Automatic LSP stack repair

Real-time memory shields that blocks spyware before it executes

Prevention shields that blocks malware installation

Browser shields, including homepage shield

Tracking cookies shields

Automatic database updates

News updates

Individual spy restore functionality


Scheduling support

Simple configuration

Intuitive and clear user interface for spyware removal

Handy Shell Extension Scanning

Skin support

Language support

Premium Technical support

and much more…


English, German, Czech, Slovak, French, Dutch, Hungarian, Polish, Slovenian, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian.

Whats New:

Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


NETGATE Spy Emergency 2018 25.0.170 Multilingual的图片1

发布日期: 2018-12-01