CG数据库 >> Marvelous Designer 8 Enterprise Win

Marvelous Designer 8是最新推出的专业3D服装设计软件,这款软件操作简单,功能强大,内涵大量优质设计功能,可以帮助用户创作出跟真实服装一样的虚拟服装,节省时间并提高服装品质Marvelous Designer 8 Enterprise WinInfo:Whats newRemeshing(beta)Generates aligned automatic Retopology results3D SewingSew Patterns intuitively in 3D window.

SculptSculpt garments using brush tools.

Trace Patterns with UV MapExtract 2D Patterns from UV Map when importing 3D objects.

Automated Arrangement Point CreationArrangement Points and Bounding Volumes are automatically created based on Avatar’s mesh length and circumference.

Adjust Trim WeightAdjust trim weight to express change in 3D Garments’ drape.

Marvelous Designer 8 Enterprise Win的图片1

发布日期: 2019-04-10