2018年9月, Altair将正式发布HyperWorks 2018版本。
HyperWorks 在不断增加新功能的同时也在有限元建模、结构优化与多学科优化分析、多物理场耦合分析、高性能计算等诸多方面的功能得以提升和加强,FEKO的加入更使得HyperWorks扩展到电磁场仿真领域,HyperWorks 强大的仿真技术不断满足用户的多种需求,帮助用户更高效地实现产品的优化设计和创新设计。
HyperWorks 理念HyperWorks为工业提供最全面,开放式的结构CAE解决方案,其一流的建模,分析,可视化和数据管理解决方案在线性,非线性,结构优化,流固耦合,多体动力学等领域有着广泛的应用。
致力于建立一个开放系统的理念,Altair HyperWorks并将继续以最广泛的交互性引领PLM市场的商业化CAD和CAE协同解决方案。
Altair HyperWorks 2018.0.1 | 4.0 GbAltair offers new best-in-class technologies to design and optimize high-performance, efficient, and innovative products with its release of HyperWorks 2018.
This latest release sees several functionalities added in areas such as model-based development, electromagnetism, nonlinear structural analysis, modeling and meshing, multiphysics and multi-disciplinary analysis, lightweight design and optimization.
About Altair.
Founded in 1985, Altair is focused on the development and application of simulation technology to synthesize and optimize designs, processes and decisions for improved business performance.
Privately held with more than 2,600 employees, Altair is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA with more than 45 offices throughout 20 countries, and serves more than 5,000 corporate clients across broad industry segments.
Product:Altair HyperWorksVersion:2018.0.1Supported Architectures:x64Language:englishSystem Requirements:PCSupported Operating Systems:Windows 7even or newerSize:4.0 Gb
发布日期: 2018-11-22