DISCOVER | December/01Th/2018 | 1.31GBPerfestkits brings to your attention its new library for Kontakt - Trap Brass XL. This is an amazing sound, great detail and just an indispensable musical instrument for your collection. The sound you've been looking for!This is not a dull sound of classical instruments; it's a fat and modern sound.
:::::: Product Specifications ::::::.
•Format:Native Instruments Kontakt• 006 x Velocity Layers• 504 x Samples• 005 x Demo Presets• Over 1.46 GB Of Content (Unzipped)• PC & Mac Compatible•Requirements:Native Instruments Kontakt 5.
0 Or Higher.
:::::: I N T E R F A C E ::::::.
:::::: PRODUCT DEMO/PREViEW ::::::.
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发布日期: 2018-12-02