CG数据库 >> Fallout Tactics GOG Classic ISO-RAiN

Fallout Tactics GOG Classic ISO-RAiN的图片1

FoT的时代背景介于《辐射》和《辐射Ⅱ》之间。当时由于核战即将爆发,人们正在建造一个又一个的地下掩体以求抵御核弹的侵袭。然而,在所有地下掩体完全建造好之前,核子战争便爆发了,没来得及躲入地下掩体中的人们几乎全部丧命。漫长的寒冬之后,那些躲在地下掩体中幸存下来的人们带着补给和科技重又出现在地面上。其中有一个名叫“钢铁兄弟会”的组织,他们掌握着先进的科学技术,想要重新发展人类社会,可是又担心自己的科技被他人窃取 。随着时间的推移,钢铁兄弟会的成员不断减少,一部分会员打算在当地招募一些成员加入兄弟会,以补充力量。可是这个提议遭到了钢铁兄弟会首领的反对,而且提出建议的会员也被命令驾驶飞艇向东行进,去追捕最后一批超级变异人(Super Mutants)。在行进途中飞艇被闪电击中,坠落在芝加哥地区,侥幸逃生的会员们就此开始了自己的战斗旅程。

RAiN has released the RPG game “Fallout Tactics GOG Classic” for Windows & MacOSX.


Join the Brotherhood of Steel, a technological revival group dedicated to restoring the world to its former prosperity through science and whatever means necessary. Take part in a quest to reawaken long-dormant technology in order to defeat a powerful enemy in the one of a kind Fallout Universe.

Each mission involves various hostile obstacles that must be overcome using tactical skirmish warfare. The player controls up to six detailed characters in the single player mission-based campaign or they may use their chosen squad online in multiplayer battles. Squad-members improve with experience, increasing their skills and earning perks.

Many varieties of weapons, from handguns to rocket launchers, allow the player to lay waste to his enemies. In addition, the fighting isn’t limited to pedestrians, as squad-members may take the action to the streets with armed vehicles.

Fallout Tactics GOG Classic ISO-RAiN的图片2

Key Features:

A very well-designed tactical strategy game set in the famous Fallout universe

A great combination of RTS, turn-based strategy and RPG elements

Impressive number of weapons, skills and upgrades

Fallout Tactics GOG Classic ISO-RAiN的图片3


: Adventure


: Micro Forté


: Interplay

Release Names:




1.58 GB, 1.65 GB

发布日期: 2013-12-28