File Size : 18.78 MBClassicWeather offers clear weather widgets in 3 different sizes and colors.
It also provides weather forecast in the dock and menu bar menu.
Features:Current weather conditionsForecast for 7 daysForecast for next 12 hoursForecast by the hourForecast in text formatTemperature in Fahrenheit or CelsiusProbability of precipitationRain/snow in mm/inchFeels like temperatureLocal timeSunrise / sunsetCurrent phase of moonMultiple citiesCurrent location (WiFi needed)Weather in menu bar menu and dock menu12-hour or 24-hour time format3 widget designs, 4 sizes2 modes (single window or widget)Retina supportedAnd moreAdditional features with Premium subscription ($1.49 per year):Forecast for 10 daysForecast for next 24(+) hours (scrollable)HumidityWind speed and directionCurrent condition on dock icon and menu barApp in dock and/or menu bar
发布日期: 2019-01-22