CG数据库 >> C4D样条线建模教程(英文字幕) Cinema 4D MasterClass Master Modelling Using Splines

C4D样条线建模教程(英文字幕) Cinema 4D MasterClass Master Modelling Using Splines着重讲解C4D中样条线建模的全部流程,包括建模、展UV、贴图材质、灯光和渲染输出I’m not going to say that I’m a Maxon Certified Cinema 4D Instructor But I’m a professional 3D modeler who’s going to take you during this exciting journey to show you how to start a 3D model from scratch starting from a blueprint to modelling, UV mapping, texturing, lighting and rendering.

发布日期: 2021-11-14