C4D多边形纹理随机生成插件 PolyDivider V1.07 for Cinema 4D R20-R25 Win破解版 + 使用教程PolyDivider是一款基于矩形生成多个随机机型纹理图形的C4D插件,对生成图形纹理可以另外进行多种效果器的控制PolyDivider is a Cinema 4D Deformer plugin that makes polygon subdivisions with procedural algorithm designed to produce random geometric patterns based on a rectangle.
The idea came from the type of diagrams called “treemaps”, that takes a rectangle and splits it vertically and then horizontally.
支持的软件版本:Win,Cinema 4D R20/R21/R22/R23/R24/R25
发布日期: 2021-12-23