CG数据库 >> Blender贴图笔刷绘制插件 Blender Market – BPainter v2.0 + 使用教程

Blender贴图笔刷绘制插件 Blender Market – BPainter v2.0 + 使用教程Blender自带有贴图绘制的功能,但是功能有一定限制,BPainter可以扩展贴图笔刷绘制功能,比如做多个图层之间的叠加、调节图层、图层之间做遮罩等Blender offers some quite good painting tools, unfortunately you need to set up a lot of things before you can dive into painting. Many functions are only a very low level and you need to setup a lot before you paint. On top of that a cluttered UI hinders you from developing an efficient painting workflow. This is where BPainter solves quite a few issues. Here are 3 Reasons why BPainter could be the tool for you!支持的Blender版本:2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0


发布日期: 2021-12-27