CG数据库 >> 达芬奇视频调色全面介绍教程 MZed

达芬奇视频调色全面介绍教程 MZed – The Definitive Guide to DaVinci Resolve全面讲解达芬奇的使用,包括视频剪辑、视频调色、音频工具等的使用,一套完整的流程基础教程The Definitive Guide to DaVinci Resolve is Blackmagic Designʼs official training course for people wanting to get a basic overview of the editing, motion graphics, color correction and audio tools in DaVinci Resolve.

Presented over more than eight hours, Ollie Kenchington, a Blackmagic Design Certified Trainer, guides you through the fundamentals of this incredibly powerful program which prepares you for Blackmagic Design’s own certification exam.

发布日期: 2022-1-17