CG数据库 >> Houdini循环小球场景动画教程 Awwwards.Academy – Looping Softbodies in Houdini and Redshift with Paul Esteves

Houdini循环小球场景动画教程 Awwwards.Academy – Looping Softbodies in Houdini and Redshift with Paul EstevesHoudini的基础教程,讲解如何制作一个无限循环的小球动画场景,会用到redshift渲染输出This course is aimed at beginners and intermediate users.

A basic understanding of the Houdini interface is assumed.

We will go step by step, so you understand each section properly, and can adapt the principles to your unique project.

We will cover every aspect needed to create a production level softbody simulation from start to final render.

发布日期: 2022-3-7