CG数据库 >> PS原画绘制教程 Gnomon – Digital Painting in Photoshop with Dave Neale

PS原画绘制教程 Gnomon – Digital Painting in Photoshop with Dave Neale4个小时的教程,让PS的数字绘画能力更上一层楼,讲解创建行业标准数字绘画所需的所有关键工具设置、菜单和快捷方式的神秘面纱,以帮助您入门Take your digital painting to the next level with this 4-hour workshop dedicated to teaching the foundations of professional-level painting in Photoshop.

As the leading 2D creative software used throughout the world by artists in the digital entertainment industry, this extremely versatile tool serves many different disciplines, including Illustration, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Texture Painting — and the list goes on.

With so many uses, the power of the software can also make it intimidating to learn.

In this detailed Photoshop tutorial, Concept Artist Dave Neale demystifies all the key tool settings, menus, and shortcuts needed to create industry-standard digital paintings to help you get started.

Dave provides a clear understanding of how you can utilize this exciting program and leverage it for your very own creative projects.

发布日期: 2022-3-13