CG数据库 >> Houdini大楼爆炸倒塌特效教程 Gnomon

Houdini大楼爆炸倒塌特效教程 Gnomon – Controlled Building Demolition FX in Houdini作者展示了如何使用RBD来制作模型爆炸破碎的方法,最后会用到Redshift渲染器输出Tim reveals his production-proven, rigid-body destruction (RBD) techniques using the RBD Bullet Solver and shares how to properly fracture a model and create constraints together with secondary simulations such as debris and pyro effects.

Throughout the process, Tim explains all the tools and concepts required, from TOPs setup for fast iteration, RBD Material Fracture, Packed Primitives, RBD Constraints, simulation secondaries, Custom DOP net smoke setup, Sparse Sim Pyro Setups, for-loops with Compile Blocks, Instances, and rendering with Redshift.

As the final step, Tim details how to trigger all the events with custom objects to create your very own complete building demolition inside Houdini.

发布日期: 2022-3-14