CG数据库 >> 高精度树木模型制作教程 Gnomon

高精度树木模型制作教程 Gnomon – Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree通过这个中级教程,了解如何使用 SpeedTree 和 Houdini 生成外观复杂的树。

从简单的生成规则开始,然后深入到 SpeedTree 和 Houdini 中更高级的树生成领域,Jean-Michel 教授了生成英雄树资产所需的每一步——非常适合在电影中使用。

Throughout the workshop, Jean-Michel shares how to create a mixture of hand-drawn branches extended by procedural generators, as well as how to use the mesh forces for realistic results.

He also reveals how to set up and export a leaf as a point cloud in Houdini in order to manage a more optimized setup, as well as great procedural control over the leaf geometry generation and placement based on the direction of the sun.

发布日期: 2022-3-21