CG数据库 >> AI创意卡通角色手绘教程 Domestika

AI创意卡通角色手绘教程 Domestika – Creative Character Design For Products By Rob Flowers前期根据自己的需要寻找创意来源,通过手绘绘制除卡通角色,后期在AI中进行角色创作修改等London-based illustrator and character designer Rob Flowers channels his love of unusual toys, vintage action figures, and psychedelic colors into award-winning illustrations. Are you ready to embark on a colorful character design adventure where there is never a dull pixel or drop of ink?In this course, work with Rob to develop a set of character designs that communicate ideas and emotions to be used on products ranging from stickers to t-shirts to prints.

发布日期: 2022-3-30