CG数据库 >> AE+C4D+PS定格动画教程(英文字幕) Skillshare

AE+C4D+PS定格动画教程(英文字幕) Skillshare – Frame by Frame Animation Using Photoshop After Effects Cinema 4D讲解再C4D中制作简单的人物模型动画、给PS定格动画做参考,然后导出所有的定格到AE中进行后期合成处理I will start by showing you some free resources that you can download and how to use Mixamo to animate your 3D characters.

Then I will show you how to create your first animation in Cinema4D and use it as a reference to draw all the frames in Photoshop, using a screen or graphic tablet.

After you export all the frames, we will move to After Effects to make our animation more trippy and do some final adjustments.

In the end I will show you some alternative ways to create a frame by frame animation,without using Cinema4D.

发布日期: 2022-4-21