CG数据库 >> Maya人物动作表演动画教程 Animation Mentor

Maya人物动作表演动画教程 Animation Mentor – Course 5 – Advanced Acting本次教程会让大家体验如何在工作室制作环境中计划和执行动画。


专注于两人对话镜头,学习如何在赋予每个角色生命的同时又不失镜头的核心节拍In Advanced Acting, you get your first taste of how to plan and execute your animation in a studio production environment.

You’ll learn to create shots that cut together correctly, staging your acting in the best way to support the overall story or character arc.

Your assignments will focus on two-person dialogue shots and you’ll learn how to find the balance of giving each character life without losing the focus on the core beats of your shot.

发布日期: 2022-5-9