CG数据库 >> C4D创意三维片头动画教程(韩语英文字幕) Coloso

C4D创意三维片头动画教程(韩语英文字幕) Coloso – Woosung Kang – C4D Motion Training From the Basics to Master LevelC4D制作三维片头的动画教程,包括运动图形、建模、贴图材质、灯光、渲染和后期合成等Struggling to step up your game with free tutorials?Start making the trendiest in motion graphics using Cinema 4D, Octane, and After Effects with pointers from an experienced Art Director.

This class covers everything from MoGraph, modeling, texture, lighting,and image manipulation to actual workflow in the industry.


发布日期: 2022-5-31