CG数据库 >> Toon Boom基础入门教程(英文字幕) Domestika

Toon Boom基础入门教程(英文字幕) Domestika – Introduction to Toon Boom HarmonyToon Boom Harmony逐渐成为了二维动画的一个常用软件,本教程讲解该软件的基础使用方法,独立制作一个简单角色的动画过程Toon Boom Harmony has become the standard software in the animation industry, and one of illustrator and animator Pedro Alpera’s personal favorites.

His professional experience includes working with major clients like WeTransfer, Muno, Paramount Comedy, and Cartoon Network, among others.

In this 7-part Domestika Basics, he teaches you all you need to use the software, without any previous experience.

Discover how he works to create your own incredible 2D animations and give life to your animated stories and characters.

发布日期: 2022-6-18