CG数据库 >> 牛顿动力学插件 Motion Boutique Newton 2.1.22 CS5 – CC 2014 Win/Mac

牛顿动力学插件 Motion Boutique Newton 2.1.22 CS5 – CC 2014 Win/MacMotion Boutique Newton可以在AE中模拟动力学,物体间的碰撞之类的,重力,摩擦都可以很容易模拟出来,最新的2.1版本Newton interprets 2D composition layers as rigid bodies interacting in a real environment.

Newton provides many simulation controllers such as body properties (type, density, friction, bounciness, velocity, etc), global properties (gravity, solver), and allows the creation of joints between bodies.

Once simulation is completed, animation is recreated in After Effects with standard keyframes.

安装方法:Win:将Newton文件夹拷贝到Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\Plug-ins插件文件夹下,在AE的Composition合成窗口下拉菜单调用Mac:将Newton_trial.plugin拷贝到Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\Plug-ins插件文件夹下,在AE的Composition合成窗口下拉菜单调用

牛顿动力学插件 Motion Boutique Newton 2.1.22 CS5 – CC 2014 Win/Mac的图片1

发布日期: 2015-01-18