CG数据库 >> AE制作复杂三角场景动画教程 Mattrunks Isoscene – Animate a complex scene based on triangles

AE制作复杂三角场景动画教程 Mattrunks Isoscene – Animate a complex scene based on triangles利用AE的图形制作三角变化场景,摄像机在场景之间相互转换We’ll see how to quickly create thousands of triangles to obtain a complex scene without making it difficult to animate.

play on the velocity curves for dynamic animations of our triangles.

how to get color variations and shapes into the generated scenes with a few clicks.

AE制作复杂三角场景动画教程 Mattrunks Isoscene – Animate a complex scene based on triangles的图片1

发布日期: 2015-01-19