Maya自行车硬面建模教程 JLMussi – Mastering Hard Surface Modeling in Maya21个小时的视频教程,以自行车为例全面讲解Maya硬面建模的方法技巧,同时也解释每步操作的原因This course is built differently from those you might have tried in the past.
It was designed differently for a reason.
I not only show you the HOW but I explain the WHY.
You won’t just learn how to create a highly detailed bike model, but you will discover a step-by-step system to create ANY complex 3d model at a professional level.
21 Hours+ of Videos (Playback in Real Time)Access to ALL Future ContentAccess to our Private Discord GroupMentorship from a ProfessionalMaya Script Bundle Discount (50% off)Project Files: Blueprints, Wireframe Breakdowns, Scene Files.
FREE Downloads: My Personal Keyboard Shortcuts.
发布日期: 2022-6-28