CG数据库 >> Blender贴图材质整理插件 Texture Folders V2.0

Blender贴图材质整理插件 Texture Folders V2.0可以一键打包将工程中所有的材质整理放到一个文件夹里面,防止贴图丢失等Are you tired of having to look for your textures in folders you probably don’t remember? How about having to recreating your PBR shaders, and link all the textures one by one every time you have to reuse that texture? Well this is the solution, one click pbr setup, all your textures in one location

支持的软件版本:Blender 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0

安装步骤:将texture folders文件夹复制到Blender安装目录下的addons目录下,比如:C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.xx\scripts\addons

发布日期: 2022-7-11