CG数据库 >> 3DS MAX Fstorm渲染器使用教程 Artstation

3DS MAX Fstorm渲染器使用教程 Artstation – Fstorm Render Course6个视频超过8小时的教程,讲解3DS MAX中Fstorm渲染器在实例场景的使用方法,包括渲染器参数设置讲解、室内灯光设置、环境控制、SSS材质等In total 6 lessons of practical application of the FSTORM RENDER engine on various scenarios, introduction to the engine, parameters and materials, interior lighting, massive snowy environment, sss character and kinematic look, development of massive street environment with dozens of buildings and studio lighting, reviewing the main functions and configurations of the engine, based on the application on complex projects.

发布日期: 2022-7-11