家畜野生动物音效 Sound Effects – Celebration Sounds – The Cow Says Fun包含60种动物或者环境音效,FLAC无损格式01 Bear [Sound Effects] 0:4202 Bird Chirps [Sound Effects] 0:0903 Bird Songs [Sound Effects] 0:0604 Cat [Sound Effects] 0:0305 Another Cat [Sound Effects] 0:0806 Chickens [Sound Effects] 0:2307 Chickens 2 [Sound Effects] 0:0308 Cow [Sound Effects] 0:0409 Cow 2 [Sound Effects] 0:0610 Crickets [Sound Effects] 0:1711 Crocodile [Sound Effects] 0:0312 Dog Bark [Sound Effects] 0:0213 Dog [Sound Effects] 0:0914 Dolphin [Sound Effects] 0:0415 Elephant Trumpeting [Sound Effects] 0:1016 Elephant [Sound Effects] 0:0417 Horse 2 [Sound Effects] 0:0318 Horse Whinny [Sound Effects] 0:0319 Jaguar [Sound Effects] 00:0320 Jungle Animal Sounds [Sound Effects] 0:3621 Lion [Sound Effects] 0:0622 Lion 2 [Sound Effects] 0:1223 Monkey [Sound Effects] 0:0624 Monkey 2 [Sound Effects] 0:1025 Owl [Sound Effects] 0:0426 Penguin [Sound Effects] 0:1127 Ram [Sound Effects] 0:0828 Rattlesnake [Sound Effects] 0:0629 Rhinoceros [Sound Effects] 0:0730 Rooster [Sound Effects] 0:0331 Seal [Sound Effects] 0:0332 Sheep [Sound Effects] 0:0533 Sheep 2 [Sound Effects] 0:0234 Tiger [Sound Effects] 0:1635 Tiger 2 [Sound Effects] 0:0836 Sh-3 Helicopter Flying By [Sound Effects] 0:0937 Diesel Truck Horn [Sound Effects] 0:0438 Duck Quacking [Sound Effects] 0:0239 Chinese Gong [Sound Effects] 0:0740 Goofy Noise [Sound Effects] 0:0241 Funny Sounds [Sound Effects] 00:0642 Police Car with Siren [Sound Effects] 00:1243 Jet Plane Fly By [Sound Effects] 0:1144 Cash Register Sounds [Sound Effects] 0:1245 Lazer Beam [Sound Effects] 0:0946 Continuous Thunder [Sound Effects] 0:5647 Giggling and Laughing [Sound Effects] 1:0148 Firetruck [Sound Effects] 0:1049 Train [Sound Effects] 0:1350 Trolley [Sound Effects] 0:0951 Train Steam Whistle [Sound Effects] 0:0652 Tugboat [Sound Effects] 0:1253 Motorcycle [Sound Effects] 0:0654 Cartoon Top Sound FX Zip [Top Sound FX] 0:0255 Slip Bang [Top Sound FX] 0:0256 Cartoon Top Sound FX Plop [Top Sound FX] 0:0157 Telephone [Top Sound FX] 0:0158 Sneeze [Top Sound FX] 0:0259 Drum Roll [Top Sound FX] 0:0360 Ocean [Top Sound FX] 0:04
发布日期: 2022-7-18